Fire Risk Assessment

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that it is the responsible person who must carry out a fire risk assessment of any non-domestic premises, and be able to identify potential hazards and risks that may occur as a result of fire and explosion. The risk assessment should include measures to reduce or eliminate the risk of fire and identify persons at risk.

Where the company employs five or more employees, a record must be kept of the significant findings of the fire risk assessment.

A fire risk assessment should be a logical and organised way to examine a premises and any activities that are conducted within them. This is to determine whether a fire could start, (the likelihood), and if so what the potential level of harm (severity) to persons or property may be.

When conducting any risk assessment, the person conducting this should determine what the hazards and what are the potential risks. There are many definitions for hazard and risk, but the most frequently used definitions include:

  • A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm. In this context we are looking for hazards that may cause harm through fire and/explosion. Hazards from fire and explosion can cause physical and psychological damage.
  • Risk is the combination of the likelihood of harm occurring and the consequence (or severity) of that harm.

At Firecom Safety Systems our assessment team approach your Fire Risk Assessment in a logical, common-sense manner. Our biggest goal following completion of your Fire Risk Assessment is to ensure what is presented back to gives your business a specific action plan. This is a clear and concise plan of ‘things to do’ in order to rectify the deficiencies found during the audit. This is to ensure that you are not only compliant with fire safety legislation, but also to protect your company employees and building structure.

It should be noted that there is no universal method of carrying out a fire risk assessment, however there is extensive guidance available that should be considered. At Firecom Safety Systems we tend to use a fire risk assessment template based on PAS 79, which is the recognised document recognised by the fire service.

At each fire risk assessment, we assess the risk level and elements within in the building, including effective evacuation of staff, firefighting measures, processes and procedures conducted on site in relation to fire safety, fire alarm and detection systems and their effectiveness, emergency lighting systems, effective fire signage, safe systems of work, electricity in the workplace. This list however is not exhaustive.

The legal requirement for fire risk assessments is that they are suitable and sufficient. In essence this means that the assessments should:

  • Identify all the significant hazards and evaluate the risks from those hazards
  • Identify any group of employees or single employees who are especially at risk
  • Identity others who may be especially at risk
  • Evaluate existing controls
  • Evaluate the need for further controls
  • Record the significant findings
  • Be carried out by a competent person(s)
  • Should involve staff and representatives such as the Health and Safety Officer for the company (should there be one)
  • Be reviewed on a regular basis or when there are significant changes in the workplace such as a change in manufacturing processes, changes in building design due to alterations, new employees

At Firecom Safety Systems all our assessors are highly training with extensive industry qualifications not just in conducting fire risk assessment, but also uniquely qualifications extending to fire extinguishers, fire alarm design and maintenance, emergency lighting systems, fire door integrity and effective and certified fire stopping methods.

Objectives of our Fire Risk Assessment

As well as complying with legal requirements, the main objectives of our fire risk assessments are:

  1. To identify hazards
  2. To remove or reduce the risk of those hazards causing harm to as low as is reasonably practicable
  3. To determine what fire safety measures and management policies are necessary to ensure the safety of people in the building should a fire occur
  4. Reduce the probability of a fire starting
  5. Limiting the effects should a fire occur

It is also deemed socially moral for organisations to seek to prevent and/or reduce accidents and injuries, including the pain and suffering of employees. Morally, it is not acceptable to put employees at risk or expect them to risk life or limb for the organisation to make money or to achieve its goals.

Ultimately, it is unacceptable to put people at risk from health and safety failures. Regardless of work activity, no one should be at risk of injury, illness, or death.

At Firecom Safety Systems we look for our clients in order to achieve legal compliance not only helping them with the Fire Risk Assessment but also how to address any deficiencies found at the end of the assessment process. Furthermore, a risk assessment should be regularly reviewed or when it is no longer valid due to significant changes that have taken place such as changes to the premises, (building works), and organisational changes (new employees and/or work processes).

Article 5 – Duties under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

    The responsible person must ensure that any duty imposed by articles 8 -22, or by any regulations made under article 24, are complied with.

    Where a person has by virtue of any contract or tenancy an obligation of any extent in relation to the maintenance or repair of any premises must be conducted. This includes anything in (or on the premises) or the safety of any premises.

Article 14 – Emergency routes and exits
  1. Where necessary to safeguard the safety of relevant persons, the responsible person must ensure that routes to emergency exits from premises and the exit themselves are kept clear at all times.

    The following requirements must be complied with in order to safeguard the safety of persons on site:

    1. Emergency routes and exits must lead as directly as possible to a place of safety.
    2. In the event of danger, it must be possible for persons to evacuate the premises as quickly and as safely as possible. The general advised time depends on the number of people and complexity of the building but generally is under 3 minutes.
    3. The number, distribution and dimensions of emergency routes and exits must be adequate having regard to the use, equipment and dimensions of the premises and the maximum number of persons who may be present there at any one time.
    4. Emergency doors must open in the direction of escape.
    5. Sliding or revolving doors must not be used for exits specially intended as emergency exits.
    6. Emergency doors must not be locked or fastened that they cannot be easily and immediately opened by any person who may require to use them in an emergency.
    7. Emergency routes and exits must be indicated by signs.
    8. Emergency routes and exits requiring illumination must be provided with emergency lighting of adequate intensity in the case of failure of their normal lighting.

Why choose Firecom Safety Systems?

At Firecom Safety Systems we offer a comprehensive and tailor-made service at a competitive price to ensure your legal compliance with all fire safety legislation. Our assessors are fully accredited and highly trained with years of practical knowledge and can also offer straightforward solutions in fire engineering and design.

Our team is always happy to talk through any issues or specific concerns you may have about your buildings fire safety. Alternatively, we can always conduct a free consultative telephone call and offer advice as to what would be the best action to take.

Please feel free to contact our team for a Free Site Survey or No Obligation Quotation on 0115 822 2000 or at

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